Fifi is a mother of 2 adult children, she is 55 years of age and lives in Bekasi, Indonesia.
Fifi primarily works with eco-print/botanical-print products & textiles within the Creative Collective.
Can you share a little about yourself and how you got involved in the world of crafts?
Hello! I'm Fifi from Bekasi, Indonesia. I have had an interest in crafts since childhood. After some time working for a private company I returned to the world of crafts.
Tell us when and how you became interested in handicrafts.
I became interested in crafts when I was a child. my parents were tailors and they always encouraged me to be creative. After I stopped working as an employee, I returned to my handicrafts and started thinking about starting a business from the results of these handicrafts.
How did you first get involved with this creative collective, and what made it interesting to you?
At the beginning of the pandemic, I learned about eco-printing and became involved with the eco-print community, and began a small Eco print-based textiles business.
At a time when this small business was struggling Komang ordered my eco-print product. This was an encouraging opportunity. Together we succeeded in completing a large project that she had secured.
It was a very satisfying feeling and I really enjoyed the process.
What was the most enjoyable thing you experienced when collaborating with Komang Darmiani?
Around the same time as I joined the eco-print community, I met Komang and became involved in 'The Creative Collective' I was very impressed with the work in the collective and felt like we had a shared vision of what craft meant. What makes it interesting to me is how we all share the same interests and can learn from each other.
If you had suggestions or ideas to make Komang Darmiani better, what would you recommend?
If I had a suggestion to make Komang Darmiani better, I would recommend continuing to promote eco-print, and introduce small businesses like myself.